Third annual Open Champion award winners honored for work with open education

Six Penn State Commonwealth Campuses recently recognized faculty for their work with open education in the third year of Penn State's Open and Affordable Educational Resources Champion Awards

顺时针方向, 左上:丽莎·切宁, associate professor of corporate communication, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校; 盖Smalarz, 大学注册, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校; 凯利妈妈, associate professor of human development and family studies, 易胜博阿尔图纳分校; 艾克Shibley, 化学副教授, 宾州州立银行; Alison Bonner, 数学助理教学教授, 易胜博利哈伊谷分校; 黛比Gaydos, 数学助理教学教授, 宾州州立大学大阿勒格尼分校; 盖软件, 物理学教授, 宾州州立大学白兰地酒.

图片来源:图片提供/ Christopher Blaska

宾州大学公园. — Six Penn State Commonwealth Campuses recently named faculty members as Open Champions, recognizing their work with open education in the third year of Penn State’s Open and Affordable Educational Resources (OAER) Champion Awards. 双方的合作 宾州州立大学图书馆 以及整个大学 OAER工作组, OAER冠军奖 从2022年开始作为试点项目 并寻求认可卓越, innovation and impact in open educational practices at Penn State campuses.

The following faculty members were recognized for their work with open education at their campuses:


  • 丽莎V. Chewning, associate professor of corporate communication, for using OER in her own classroom as well as encouraging other faculty to do so. “Lisa is a good leader who does not just give lip service to their support for OER, 他们为它建模,朱宁的提名人写道. “Such advocacy at the top of an academic unit is a model for adoption by other faculty.”
  • 盖Smalarz, 大学注册, for his work on the University-wide course marking initiative. “Tim has been instrumental in gathering information so that students are easily able to identify no-cost/low-cost textbook courses … leading to our campus really taking a lead in OER adoption,提名者写道.


  • 凯利妈妈, associate professor of human development and family studies, for transitioning her HDFS 249N course to “no cost” through the 2023–2024 OER Leads Program. 使用图书馆授权的电子书, 流媒体电影, 政府网站, 电子储备和其他开放资源, Munly bolstered the course’s foundations in student-centered pedagogy by prioritizing cost-effectiveness and scholarliness. Munly is also transitioning her fall 2024 HDFS 301 course to “no cost,” as well as integrating open educational practices with renewable assignments designed to promote student agency and social justice principles.


  • 艾克Shibley, 化学副教授, for spearheading efforts to adopt open access textbooks for all the campus chemistry courses (CHEM 110, 112, 210和212), which required faculty consensus across the courses. 另外, he led efforts to update the course materials and assessments in the Canvas learning management system, eliminating the need for students to purchase the required course texts and thereby reducing costs for more than 500 students annually.


  • 盖软件, 物理学教授 and the second annual honoree for Brandywine. “Dr. Lawlor is very aware that physics is one of the least diverse fields of STEM, and he is taking active steps in and out of the classroom to raise awareness and address this issue,一位提名人写道. “(He is) a champion of open education not just for the financial impact it has on our students, but also for his awareness of how an OER textbook is one piece of broadening participation and representation in physics.”


  • 黛比Gaydos, 数学助理教学教授, 把她所有的课程都转换成OER, as well as for her ongoing contributions to the math OER community. 在过去的几年里, she has coded hundreds of questions and activities into the MyOpenMath and Desmos platforms. These exercises have been borrowed or adapted by teachers around the world. She also serves as a peer support provider to other MyOpenMath users, and was invited to present on her use of Desmos Activities at a recent Project NExT (New Experiences in Teaching) workshop of the Mathematical Association of America. 在她的统计学课上, Gaydos uses open resources to eliminate the need for her students to use commercial software or purchase expensive calculators.


  • Allison邦纳, 数学助理教学教授, for her belief in providing a positive environment for student learning that includes open and affordable, frustration-free access to all course materials, 作业和评估,只要有可能.

For more information on open education at Penn State, visit oer.事业单位.edu. If you have questions about open education or are a faculty member interested in adopting OER or creating open pedagogy assignments for your courses, 请与OER团队联系以申请一个 服务咨询.