
在尼利·本达普迪总统办公室的战略资助下, 12名教师和他们的合作者获得了支持,以提供经验, 为本科生提供以社区为中心的研究机会


Credit: Penn State

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State announced today (Aug. 1) the recipients of the 首届联邦校园本科生社区参与研究奖(UCERA), 这是一个为专门支持本科生参与旨在改善社区福祉的研究的教师设计的新项目.

The program, 由易胜博校长Neeli Bendapudi办公室和研究高级副校长办公室资助, 认可并支持英联邦各校区的教职员工,他们将为学生提供有意义的体验式研究机会. The award provides up to $25,000 for each project.   

“A foundational goal of Penn State, as a land-grant university, 是在我们生活和工作的社区中推动影响. With the UCERA program, 我们可以做到这一点,同时追求另一个基本目标:提高学生的成功,” said Margo DelliCarpini, 联邦校园副校长兼执行校长. UCERA项目资助的项目不仅旨在改善当地社区, 同时也为本科生提供研究经验. 这些学生将立即对社会产生影响,甚至可能通过这些项目发现潜在的职业道路.”

受助人的项目将于今年夏季或秋季开始, 其中一些将在今年年底结束. The rest will continue through the spring semester. 有兴趣参与项目的本科生应联系该项目的首席研究员.

The 2024 awardees are: 

Penn State Abington:

  • Michele Grinar-Boyd, assistant teaching professor of biology, with Theresa Giardino, director of business operations, and Mary Ann Smith, lecturer of biology at Penn State Schuylkill, 这是一个将校园改造成注册社区植物园的项目.
  • Yvonne Love, associate professor of art, with Chris Bonner, associate teaching professor of art, 以扩大与砖厂的成功合作,重点是制砖和研究,并建造砖窑. More information is available here.
  • Roxanna Senyshyn, 应用语言学和传播艺术与科学副教授, for a project titled, “推进传统语言教育:与我们的社区一起应对挑战并制定解决方案.”

Penn State Beaver:

  • Autumn Sabo, assistant professor of biology, with numerous community members for a project titled, “Reforest our future with community patches.“这项工作将侧重于创造原生的再造林斑块,以取代传统的草坪.

Penn State Berks:

  • Andrew Friesen, associate professor of kinesiology, with Allison Altman Singles运动机能学与机械工程副教授; Michael Briggs, assistant teaching professor of kinesiology; Colleen English运动机能学副教授、项目主席; Ben Infantolino, associate professor of kinesiology; and Praveen Verabhadrappa, associate professor of kinesiology, to establish a campus sports institute, where local community members from club teams, high school teams, etcetera, can obtain performance-based metrics.
  • Marietta Scanlon, associate teaching professor of engineering, 与雷丁学区合作了一个项目,名为, “激烈的旅程:通过榜样和指导赋予未来的STEM领导者力量。.”

Penn State Brandywine:

  • Daniela Martin, associate professor of psychology, with Andrea Randolph-Krisova, assistant teaching professor of kinesiology, 为校园和高地瑜伽之间的合作提供创伤敏感的恢复瑜伽个人和受创伤和/或物质使用障碍影响的社区.

Penn State Harrisburg:

  • Eileen Ahlin, associate professor of criminal justice, with Indrit Hoxha, professor of economics, for a project titled, 哈里斯堡的过渡性住房:跨学科评估.“该项目的重点是为Thrive Housing Service提供试点数据, a local business owned by a woman.
  • Nik Tsotakos, assistant professor of biology, with two undergraduate students, 这个项目旨在揭示遗传因素之间复杂的相互作用, 基因表达模式和环境影响是不同种族群体慢性肾病患病率差异的基础.

Penn State Hazleton:

  • Bhanu Babaiahgari, assistant professor of engineering, with Md Habib Ullah, 易胜博哈里斯堡分校电子工程助理教授, for a project titled, “改善服务不足的社区家庭获得能源的机会,“专注于实施能源转型基础设施,使电力往往有限的社区能够获得更多电力.

Penn State Schuylkill

  • Sarah Princiotta, assistant professor of biology, with Beth Norman, 拉卡瓦克保护区生物野外站的科学与研究主任, 在校园服务区内的两个湖泊试行水质监测.
  • Joseph Squillace, assistant teaching professor of cybersecurity, with Salih Hakan Can, professor of criminal justice, for a project titled, “通过社区合作,改善网络安全教育,提高学生的成功.”